Parent Group
The Central Catholic Parent Group provides a method for parents to engage each other in community. The primary goal is to help each parent grow and flourish in their role as a parent through social, educational and initiative related activities. All Central Catholic parents, and guardians are welcome and encouraged to join.
The parent group is intended to provide a method for parents to engage each other in community. The primary goal is to help each parent grow and flourish in their role as a parent through social, educational and initiative related activities. All Central Catholic parents and guardians are welcome and encouraged to join.
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Resources and Articles for Parents:
Raising Successful Children via the New York Times
Parenting Peak Performers Podcast
Ideas for parents in helping the children remove barriers to performance in relationships, well-being, health, careers and sport.
How to Raise Successful Kids via Business Insider
How to Raise More Grateful Children via the Wall Street Journal
Renew the 'I Do' Renew the 'I Do' s an emerging Foundation that strives to help marriage and families not only survive...but thrive!
Parent Survival Skills Training PSST is a place to share insight on teenage substance abuse issues.
Al-Anon Family Groups Strength and hope for friends and families of problem drinkers.
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids A nonprofit that supports families struggling with their son or daughter's substance use.
Edeninvitation An online resource that focuses on celebrating personal integration and promoting solidarity beyond the LGBT+ paradigm.
EnCourage EnCourage is a Roman Catholic apostolate for parents, friends and family members of loved ones with same-sex attractions.
Fight the New Drug An online resource that helps provides facts and testimonies of the effects of pornography.
Protecting Your Family from Pornography These pages were designed to raise awareness of the scourge of pornography, provide resources to protect your homes and to suggest some tips for tackling difficult subjects, such as sexuality and pornography, with your children.
Anxiety and Children Parents should be alert to the signs of severe anxiety so they can intervene early to prevent complications.
Depression in Children and Teens . Parents should be alert to the signs of depression so they can intervene early to prevent complications.
13 Reasons Why Toolkit 13 Reasons Why was released by Netflix and quickly became one of the most viewed series in the streaming media company's history. Based on the Jay Asher novel of the same name, the series provocatively covered many heavy topics for young people, including suicide, sexual assault, substance abuse, online and in person bullying, and numerous struggles between friends when these issues are present. 13 Reasons Why challenged schools and parents to face these issues with limited resources to assist them in guiding their child through important and meaningful conversations about these issues.